It is not uncommon that beneficiaries disagree with how an executor or administrator is handling a deceased person’s affairs. But a dispute between a beneficiary and an executor or administrator can lead to delays in the estate administration process, increased legal costs and potential depletion of estate assets, ultimately reducing the inheritance received by beneficiaries and causing significant emotional stress.
Estate executors and administrators are responsible for managing and settling a deceased person’s estate according to their Will or state law. This role generally includes gathering and valuing assets, paying debts and taxes and distributing the remaining assets to the beneficiaries pursuant to the terms of the decedent’s Will.
Some common reasons that disputes arise between beneficiaries and an executor or administrator are:
- Lack of Communication: If the executor or administrator is not providing regular updates or fails to be transparent regarding information about the estate, beneficiaries may feel left out or suspicious of the process.
- Delay in Administration: Beneficiaries might be concerned if the administration process is taking an unusually long time without clear reasons or explanation for delay.
- Mismanagement of Assets: Concerns can arise if beneficiaries believe the executor or administrator is not managing the estate’s assets properly, such as making poor investment decisions or failing to safeguard valuable property.
- Conflict of Interest: If the executor or administrator has a personal interest that conflicts with their duty to act in the best interest of all beneficiaries, this can cause disagreements and mistrust.
- Improper Distributions: Disputes may occur if the executor or administrator distributes assets in a way that beneficiaries perceive as unfair or not in accordance with the Will.
- Fraud or Theft: Beneficiaries might suspect or find evidence that the executor or administrator is engaging in fraudulent activities, such as embezzling funds or stealing assets from the estate.
- Discrepancies in Valuation: Disagreements can arise over the valuation of estate assets, especially in cases involving real estate, business interests or unique collectibles.
- Disagreements on Liquidation of Assets: If the executor or administrator decides to sell certain estate assets that beneficiaries prefer to retain, this can lead to conflicts.
- Failure to Pay Debts and Taxes: If the executor or administrator fails to properly address the estate’s debts and taxes, it can reduce the assets available for distribution, leading to beneficiary concerns.
- Personal Conflicts: Pre-existing personal conflicts between beneficiaries and the executor or administrator can exacerbate disagreements over the estate’s handling.
When a beneficiary disagrees with how the executor or administrator is handling an estate, the first thing they should do is clearly communicate their concerns directly to the executor or administrator. This can often resolve misunderstandings or provide clarifications.
If the beneficiary is still not satisfied, there are several steps that can be taken next, including a request for an accounting of the estate’s assets, liabilities, income and expenses. In some cases, legal action is required. This can include working with a neutral mediator or asking the probate court to replace the appointed estate representative by filing litigation. Beneficiaries should consult with an estate law attorney to understand their rights and the best course of action based on the specific circumstances of the disagreement.
How to Avoid Conflict Between Beneficiaries and Estate Executors/Administrators
Executors/Administrators can minimize the risk of conflict with beneficiaries by being proactively communicative and transparent. Here are some additional tips for successful interactions with beneficiaries:
- Provide a detailed and timely accounting
- Document in writing any agreements, decisions or understandings between the parties
- Engage professionals such as estate attorneys, accountants or financial advisors
- Establish a process for addressing conflicts early, such as mediation or conflict resolution mechanisms
- Make distributions to beneficiaries as soon as it is legally and financially possible, as delays can cause frustration and suspicion among beneficiaries
- Clearly outline the estate administration process and set realistic expectations for timelines and outcomes
- Be transparent about any potential conflicts of interest and take steps to mitigate them
- Listen to beneficiaries’ concerns and address them promptly and respectfully
Serving as an estate executor or administrator is an important, but at times confusing and stressful, role. Even professional fiduciaries encounter conflicts with beneficiaries. Likewise, as a beneficiary, you may have concerns about how an estate is being handled by an executor or administrator. The experienced estate planning attorneys TREEL can help. Contact us at 833-888-0462.