The Sandwich Generation: How to Ease the SqueezeAugust 24, 2021Timothy RiceBeing “sandwiched” between caring for aging parents and young children creates stress, frustration, and, often,…Read More
Finding someone’s date of deathAugust 26, 2019Timothy RiceImagine your grandfather left a portion of his estate to his sister, but Great Aunt…Read More
Prevent mistaken Medicare denialsAugust 13, 2019Timothy RiceHave you or a loved one been denied Medicare-covered services because you’re “not improving”? Many…Read More
What Could the State Do to Help Unpaid Caregivers?June 12, 2019Timothy RiceThere could be as many as 1.75 million New Jersey residents providing free care to…Read More
When can an adult child be liable for a parent’s nursing home bill?November 7, 2018Timothy RiceAlthough a nursing home cannot require a child to be personally liable for their parent’s nursing…Read More
Critical Step for Caregivers: Make Sure You Do Some Estate Planning, TooDecember 6, 2017Timothy RiceEstate planning, including the creation of Wills, powers of attorney and trusts, is standard and…Read More
If you pay relatives to provide care, you might want to have a contract (part 2)September 10, 2015Timothy RiceIn our first installment, we outlined the benefits of establishing a personal care contract. Nevertheless,…Read More