Special Needs Trusts: Creating Financial StabilityMay 23, 2022Team TREELTo remain eligible for public assistance, someone who is disabled or unable to manage their…Read More
Charitable giving under the new tax lawAugust 23, 2019Timothy RiceThe new tax law makes it harder to claim a tax deduction for charitable contributions.…Read More
Plan to protect kids with special needsAugust 20, 2019Timothy RiceRaising a child with special needs can be a rich experience. It’s also a costly…Read More
How Medicare and employer coverage coordinateJanuary 26, 2018Timothy RiceMedicare benefits start at age 65, but many people continue working past that age. That…Read More
Critical Step for Caregivers: Make Sure You Do Some Estate Planning, TooDecember 6, 2017Timothy RiceEstate planning, including the creation of Wills, powers of attorney and trusts, is standard and…Read More
WATCH YOUR STEP: DISABILITY WITHOUT A DPOA CAN BE DREADFULFebruary 14, 2012Timothy RiceI have written on my website about the importance of having a will. As I…Read More