How does work affect your Social Security payments?December 7, 2018Timothy RiceMany people continue to work after retirement age, either by choice or out of necessity.…Read More
How Medicare and employer coverage coordinateJanuary 26, 2018Timothy RiceMedicare benefits start at age 65, but many people continue working past that age. That…Read More
Converting to a Roth IRA can help with estate planningJune 17, 2015Timothy RiceConverting a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA has many advantages and disadvantages, but what…Read More
New rules for reverse mortgagesMay 27, 2015Timothy RiceThe federal government has tightened the rules for reverse mortgages, making it harder for some…Read More
Should you enroll in Medicare if you’re still working? (part 2)April 23, 2015Timothy RiceMedicare Part B. Medicare Part B covers doctor visits, lab tests, and other outpatient and…Read More