We Are Here For You

In light of Governor Murphy’s Executive Order signed on 3/21/2020, which mandates that all New Jersey citizens “shelter in place” (aka stay home) to expedite curbing the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, you have likely seen and heard an overwhelming number of reports on what precautions to take to protect you and your loved ones. (Click here for a list of resources).

Amid the fear and uncertainty, we would like to offer reassurance and calm. Yes, we are living in extraordinary times with a number of our lives and those of our family upended due to Governor Murphy’s mandate on closing “non-essential businesses” (click here to see a list of “essential businesses”). As your trusted advisors, our firm remains open and available to serve your legal needs. We are working tirelessly to adapt to this “new normal” of working virtually and provide for the needs of our clients’ well-being.

While you and other members of your family may be sharing the same space during these days, we invite you to embrace the unexpected togetherness. Are you making the most of your family time? Consider the new experiences you may be having and things you may learn that otherwise you would not. Perhaps now is a great time to check in on family and neighbors, take up a new interest, clean out that closet, which is long overdue. Or, simply rest (and limit TV watching that tends to sensationalize what’s truly happening).

TREEL lawyers Tim Rice and Kim Fiero would like to suggest another family activity. It may not be your idea of fun in the traditional sense, but we believe at this particular time, it is very important. Now, more than ever, we should be thankful for what we do have and to plan for the future. We understand it may not be the easiest conversation to have so we want to help you get started by downloading our Estate Planning Questionnaire, a detailed resource and useful form for creating and/or updating your Estate Plan. We hope you take advantage of this unexpected time home to complete this document. We have designed it to prompt you and your family to share valuable information.

We also suggest that if you have not considered preparing an Estate Plan, current circumstances suggest it is an important tool to protect your family. Here at TREEL, we are currently scheduling virtual consultations to discuss how you can plan for the future and provide for your loved ones. We have made appropriate provisions (such as “drive-thru document signings”) to ensure you and your loved ones are protected.

For more information and to schedule an Estate Planning Consultation, connect with us today at 856.782.8450.

At some point in the future (sooner rather than later), we look forward to once again meeting with you in person!

Wishing you the best of health and goodwill to those in need,

Tim Rice and Kim Fiero

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