Our Services

Providing Education & Guidance to Help Protect Your Loved Ones

Estate and Elder Law Services

We understand how easily you can get overwhelmed by the many issues and options related to estate planning and administration. Our staff will work to help you resolve all matters related to estate and elder law issues, including filing tax returns, the transfer of real estate, and the distribution of estate assets.

We also work closely with individuals and families when assisted living or nursing home care becomes a necessity, helping you plan to minimize the impact of the cost of care on your estate.

If you or your loved ones need assistance with estate planning or faces the prospect of paying for expensive assisted living or nursing home care, we will thoughtfully listen to your concerns and help you develop a personalized plan to suit your specific needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Our Services

Licensed to Practice in New Jersey & Pennsylvania

We represent clients throughout New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania, including Camden, Burlington, Gloucester, Atlantic, Ocean, Monmouth, Cape May and Philadelphia Counties.

Estate Planning

We help to protect an individual's personal and financial decisions during their lifetime.

Elder Law

Elder Law has become a critical area of law as people live longer but may require long-term care at costs.

Estate & Trust Administration

Navigate administration responsibilities with confidence with a TREEL lawyer by your side.

Guardianships & Conservatorships

A guardianship is a legal process in which courts determine if an individual is "incapacitated"...

Special Needs Trusts

Special Needs Trusts are legal entities that may be used to hold and manage assets for a disabled...

Estate Litigation

When there are disagreements following the death of a loved one, seek experienced counsel.

Veterans’ Benefits

When you have served in the armed forces of the United States...

Pet Trusts

Pet trusts are valid under New Jersey probate laws, which provide that the care for a domesticated animal...

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