Estate Sales or Selling Online?April 11, 2022Team TREELWhile there are now many ways to sell property on the Internet, from Nextdoor to…Read More
Protect assets, retain access with a Spousal Lifetime Access TrustMarch 22, 2019Timothy RiceA Spousal Lifetime Access Trust (SLAT) is an estate planning tool that can be used…Read More
Communicate with your kids before leaving unequal assetsJanuary 10, 2018Timothy RiceWhen it comes to leaving money to the kids, some parents struggle to reconcile “equal”…Read More
You should have your estate plan reviewed if…March 31, 2015Timothy RiceSome people think that once they’ve written a will and implemented an estate plan, they…Read More
EXECUTOR’S COMMISSIONSFebruary 17, 2014Timothy RiceServing as an executor of an estate is hard work. First of all, most executors…Read More